Friday, September 17, 2010

Bridgepoint pays 100m for HobbyCraft stores

Hobbycraft, the out-of-town humanities and crafts retailer, has been sole to the in isolation equity organisation Bridgepoint in a government buyout for some-more than �100m.

The behest routine for the 47-store sequence was hotly contested and captivated penetrating seductiveness from parties such as the in isolation equity firms Blackstone, TA Associates and Exponent, that helped expostulate up the cost from the primary turn of around �75m.

The sequence was put up for sale this year by the Haskins family, who owned majority of the shares and non-stop the initial store outward Bournemouth in 1995. HobbyCraft, that sells some-more than 35,000 products together with marriage stationery and haberdashery, boomed during the downturn as consumers rediscovered "make do and mend".

Bridgepoint pronounced it could absolutely supplement an additional 100 HobbyCraft stores over the subsequent five years, as well as urge the placement and sourcing activities, and enhance the e-commerce services.

Jason McGibbon, at Bridgepoint, that additionally owns the tradesman Fat Face and the sandwich sequence Prêt a Manger, said: "We have tracked the swell for a little time and hold there is right away poignant range for the commercial operation not usually to grow by serve roll-out in the UK ... but additionally to emanate a poignant multi-channel online presence."

In the ultimate published accounts, HobbyCraft delivered a 42 per cent boost in gain prior to interest, tax, debasement and amortisation to �7.5m for the year to twenty-two Feb 2009. Profits are thought to have increasing again for the monetary year only accomplished and are sloping for serve expansion this year.

Chris Crombie, the arch senior manager of HobbyCraft, who is superfluous at the chain, said: "We have regularly been really desirous for HobbyCraft and have grown the commercial operation to turn the heading dilettante in the field."

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